Girl geek blog?

Is this a programming blog? There’s a discussion going on on the devchix Google group about building a list of programmer blogs  by women.  This is a blog by a woman who often talks about programming.  But it’s not dedicated to programming.  It’s definitely not dedicated to women programming, as the topics that that could cover are relatively narrow (meaning, the topics that are exclusive to women in programming) and my interest in them doesn’t stretch far enough to fill many blog postings.  Yep, there are too few women.  Yep, I like to help women be more visible to help encourage both other women to enter the field / stay in the field, and to make it clear that women belong.  But part of demonstrating that women belong is just, well, belonging.  Not necessarily standing out for being a woman.  Standing out for being good at what I do and standing out for always getting better, for always putting in the effort for what the team’s promised to deliver.

I’ll happily talk to women in the field.  Heck, I organize a regular meetup for women to get together and swap stories.  But, as you often see on this blog, there’s lots more to talk about in lots of venues.  So, if you’re here because you like encouraging women programmers to blog, great!  Just sit through or skip through the rest of the stuff.  Because like (I hope) most people, I’m not so easily labeled as a single category.


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