The Gotta Read, Gotta Know, Gotta Do Everything Trap

This post started out as a post on software development: as a senior techie within my company, and a tech lead at that, there’s a certain pressure to have better or at least as good as technical chops than the folks I work with. Some of the guys I work with are senior themselves and darn good in their particular areas, so it’s a constant push to stay at the top of my game. But then I realized that I run into the same trap in my biz classes: have I read everything and done everything as the other folks in my class? Hmmm… the same can be said of the mommy track, though there it takes a slightly different spin. Have my kids done everything/read everything/known everything they should given their particular age? Have my hubby and I gotten to have every travel experience, every deep conversation, every loving experience that we “ought”?

Sheesh… quite a long list in that PDA. Which of course has to be the latest/greatest to keep up.

Bleah… waiting for us all collectively to decide that the keeping up/staying ahead race just isn’t supportable or cool anymore, and that we all oughta find some other way to fill and overfill our time. Or for me, anyway, to decide that my ego doesn’t need to be at the top of my game. Um, you go first, and then I’ll de facto be at the top, and we can all just slow down.

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