Did you know that:

– poison ivy rashes last 14-21 days?  (they’ll be coming to take me away, ha ha, long before that if this estimate is correct)

– the delay between contact with the ivy and onset of rash can be several days?  (Um, I now know that it can be at least 3)

– you can’t spread it on yourself by scratching?  (hallelujah!)

 I can now rest easy that the misery I’ve been experiencing more than a week now I can’t pass onto my children if they bump my leg.  That’s good.  And I can scratch with abandon…  ever seen a video of a bear rubbing up against a tree?  I may have to go mano-a-mano against the bear to get a good tree.


Seen as a Skype contact message: “Software Development process of the day — Decapitated Chicken Process”.

Long ago, I had a cartoon from somewhere that I’d love to find again.  As I recall, it showed a guy in a suit, holding a book, a candle, and a knife.  He’s standing in front of a large mainframe computer, and there’s a woman also in office attire kneeling on the floor in front of him.  (Think here of ritualistic sacrifice of a virgin to appease the computer gods.)  Some days, it feels like that’s the only thing that has a chance of perhaps making things work.

Uh, did I mention I’m in a PMP training class? 

If you schedule a 2 1/2 hour meeting with a very long agenda….  make sure that that’s the LAST meeting you have to schedule for a while.  Don’t cover point #1 in your agenda, and then note that we’ll need to have ongoing meetings to discuss the others.  I, uh, suddenly have dentist appointments every week JUST at the time when your regular meeting would be held. To help me feel less guilty, perhaps I’ll abstain from Novocaine…  it would still be less painful.

Work’s sicc’ed an investigator on me.  A guy in a 3-piece suit whose work consists of asking people from my past whether I’m a good guy or a bad guy.  Who apparently racks up a lot of miles on his car: hope he’s honest in his mileage estimates for his taxes.  But while he’s judging me by the company I keep, here’re a few job titles seen lately via connections on LinkedIn.  Note: these are actual job titles seen as my current connections add new people to their list of links:
* the CEO of a past company is now connected to an individual who bills themselves as ‘Sr VP- Wealth Management at [major financial company name]’: guess he’s doing well!

* a past boss is now connected to an individual who lists part of their title as ‘Web Designer at Playboy Enterprises Inc.’.  Perhaps he’s not doing as well as the CEO, but he may have some interesting stories to tell at parties.

Now, it turns out that the Playboy designer likely knew my ex-boss from a shared previous company.  But you have to dig to get that info.  LinkedIn just tells me, without digging, that this person has a new connection, and this is what they do. Nice eyebrow-raiser for the morning.