Need a Walker Yet?

I turned 30 yesterday, which for me turned out to not be such a big deal. We’re using the occasion to throw a big party, since hubby turns 30 in a week and a half, and I’m looking at 30 as something of a marking point. How have I done so far with my goals? Are the goals I had still the goals that are important to me? The story I’ve heard echoed over and over again is that folks get caught in up the everyday, in the things that have to be done today or by this weekend, or their big plan for next month, letting their bigger goals in life gather dust. I don’t want to fit that story. I want to both achieve my goals in life, and keep making new ones so that there’s continually a challenge, no matter what my age.

I talked with my mom today. She asked me if I needed a walker yet. I boastfully replied that I had run 9 miles this morning- no walker necessary here! She then reminded me that when she had turned 31, I had seen fit in my 11 year old sense of humor, to give her a cane that had a rearview mirror and a horn attached to it. When you’re 11, your parents don’t seem quite ancient, but definitely count as old. Not old like grandparent old, but stuck in the same state they’ve always been in and will always be. That cane had been my way of poking fun. And now, I’m merely one year away from the same age as my mom had been. Luckily, my kids are a lot younger. I’ll have to be 40 (ooh, ancient!) before Cora will be in that same pre-teen state to poke fun at her “old” mom. And I’m hoping to be able to proudly say, ‘I don’t need that thing, I just ran 9 miles today.’


  1. Hi i was looking over the net and ran into your site. just wanted to let you know my nephew turned 13 on Aug 12, boy i cried and cried i just couldnn’t believe it. i love the little notes thoough thanks

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