World Blog-hopping

Spent a few minutes hopping along the set of ‘Next Blog’ links at the top of Laura’s eBlogger blog. Not sure what the algorithm for blog presentation is, but the first few blogs were all blogs with one entry on them, which had all been posted today. (Technically, yesterday, but I haven’t gone to sleep yet, so, today, darn it.) That was my first surprise. Second surprise was to run across blogs in different languages. Why that surprised me, I assume, is that my bias is to think that things on the ‘Net happen in English. If I examined the pieces of data, I know that, even if it once was the case, there’s no reason for it to continue to be the case. Much of the world has Internet access and presumably believes it has something to say. But the final surprise point was this blog: I think it’s written in Arabic, I have little insight as to anything about the author other than what part of the world he’s from (Iran) and whatever else I can attempt to deduce from his ‘About Me’ picture, but the sole other picture on the page just makes me stop. That little baby, smaller than the hand laying beside it, wrapped in tubes and wires… no language translation necessary to have that post speak to me.

Odds are, friend, that we don’t worship the same God. But I offer up a prayer for this little baby, regardless, and pray that soon the wires melt away and this baby grows well beyond the size of that hand.

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