Vacation Time

The last couple of years have been hectic, work-wise, such that my workaholic nature easily amassed a large PTO balance, since I never really took any time off, even given that I had to eat my PTO balance down to 0 when my daughter was born. Our company has a limit of 120 hours that you can carry over from year to year. I started the year with 119.

Did some math tonight. Given my accrual pace and the limited amount of PTO I’ve taken thusfar this year, I need to take 15 days between now and the end of the year just to break even to the 120 barrier again. Plus I’m taking a week of training at the end of August that doesn’t count towards those 15. So, we’re talking a month away from my various projects in the next six. Uh, I think I’ll be losing vacation time. Damn.

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